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A Message from the Governors

Governors at Durley are very aware of their responsibilities as part of the leadership and management team. The recent inspection report noted that “governors were highly effective in their work and ensured that all statutory requirements were being met”. The inspectors felt that we “made a very positive contribution, but at the same time were able to hold the school to account for its work”. The reasons that make us an effective team are, I believe, due to the way in which the work we do is organised across the academic year, the willingness of individuals to be flexible in their approach to the work to be done, and an enthusiasm to be part of the school community by visiting the school to attend events, rather than just attending meetings. The school is a vibrant, exciting place where children achieve high standards, and have so many opportunities to experience. They are nurtured and cared for, and in turn care for each other. These outstanding achievements are something to be proud of, but the work of the governing body is to ensure that these high standards are not only maintained, but are raised even higher.

If you would like to find out more about the work of school Governors or how you might apply to become one, please feel free to discuss this with myself or Kirstie Baines or please visit the Hampshire County Council Governor Services website via the following link

Jenny Carkeet
Chair of Governors